Vietnamese rice strengthens branding in the international market

As a major rice exporter, Vietnam's rice brand image is still "weak" in many markets and is not popular among consumers. These are shortcomings that need to be addressed in Vietnam’s agricultural products industry to increase exports and create sustainable sales channels.

In 2023, Vietnam's rice export volume will reach 8.1 million tons, and export earnings will be US$4.68 billion. Export volume and export value will increase by 14.4% and 35.3% respectively year-on-year. Among them, Vietnam's largest rice export market is ASEAN, accounting for 61% of Vietnam's rice export volume. , was 4.9 million tons, a year-on-year increase of 24%.

According to statistics from the General Administration of Customs, Vietnam's national rice export volume in January 2024 was 512,265 tons, with an export value of US$362 million, an average of US$707.2 per ton. Compared with December 2023, the export volume and export value increased by 4% and 2.8% respectively. %. The Philippines was Vietnam's largest rice export market in January, accounting for 53.6% and 39% of Vietnam's total rice export volume and value respectively, reaching nearly 280,944 tons, equivalent to nearly 194 million U.S. dollars, with an average of 691.5 U.S. dollars per ton.

Phung Van Thanh, Vietnam’s Trade Counselor in the Philippines, said that despite the large export volume, in addition to improving rice production and export volume, rice quality and corporate reputation, companies and managers also need to pay attention to brand building.

Vietnam is currently one of the top three rice suppliers in the Indonesian market. However, Vietnam's Trade Counselor in Indonesia Pham Shih Chiang believes that Vietnamese rice exporters need to pay more attention to branding and effectively promote the Vietnamese rice brand through different channels and various forms, especially High quality Vietnamese rice.

Agricultural expert Wu Songchun said that among Vietnamese agricultural products, rice has the highest brand awareness. Vietnamese rice has been exported to some markets with higher standards in the world, but to become a strong brand, the Vietnamese rice industry still needs to make greater efforts.

Vu Bo Phu, director of the Trade Promotion Bureau, said that the Ministry of Industry and Trade has been coordinating and synchronously deploying a number of trade promotion measures to support enterprises in diversifying export markets and finding strategic partners, thereby continuing to maintain and strengthen its position and enhance Vietnam’s rice products in major exports. Brand awareness in the market. At the same time, coordinate with relevant departments, industries and localities to support enterprises in responding to trade barriers and trade defense measures; work closely with units under the Ministry of Industry and Trade and Vietnamese trade agencies abroad to formulate and implement effective trade promotion activities to support the development of rice industry enterprises Diversify export markets and establish and enhance the brand status of rice. 

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