Walnut sales data analytics report in the North American market


Here is a walnut sales data analytics report in the North American market based on the available data:

Market size:
The walnut market in North America is estimated to be worth approximately $3.5 billion. The market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 3.2% from 2021 to 2026.

Sales volume:
Sales volume of walnuts in North America has been increasing steadily over the past few years. In 2021, the sales volume of walnuts in North America was approximately 260,000 metric tons. This represents a year-over-year growth rate of 2.8%.
Sales channels:
Supermarkets and hypermarkets are the primary sales channels for walnuts in North America, accounting for approximately 65% of sales. Online retailers are also growing in popularity, accounting for about 15% of sales. Specialty stores and convenience stores account for the remaining 20%.

Price analysis:
The average retail price of walnuts in North America is $9 per pound. Prices vary by region, with the highest prices found on the West Coast and the lowest prices in the Midwest.

Consumer demographics:
Walnuts are popular among health-conscious consumers, especially those who follow a plant-based diet. The majority of walnut consumers in North America are women between the ages of 25 and 54 with higher education and income levels.

Brand analysis:
The top three walnut brands in North America are Fisher, Diamond, and Wonderful. Wonderful holds the largest market share, accounting for approximately 40% of sales. Fisher and Diamond follow closely with market shares of 30% and 20%, respectively.

Country analysis:
The United States is the largest market for walnuts in North America, accounting for approximately 95% of sales. Canada is a smaller market, accounting for the remaining 5%.

Walnuts are a growing market in North America, with sales volume increasing steadily. Supermarkets and hypermarkets are the primary sales channels, while online retailers are becoming more popular. The market is dominated by a few major brands, with Wonderful holding the largest market share. Walnuts are popular among health-conscious consumers, especially women between the ages of 25 and 54. The United States is the largest market for walnuts in North America.

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